That Time My Boss Convinced Himself The Perfect Girl Wasn’t The One

When we are so used to finding red flags, are we confusing go signals with those we should run away from?

Ellen "Jelly" McRae
6 min readFeb 2, 2022


The self-heartbreaker | Image created on Canva

My boss was the rare mid-thirties man in the tech start-up I used to work at. He was the only one in the entire office, no, building, who wasn’t married.

It wasn’t from a lack of trying, I might add. He dated; a self-confessed serial dater, in fact. And he was between women quicker than I could finish the bottle of vodka I kept hidden in the draw of my desk.

And I shared that thing around every Friday afternoon, too.

But my boss had this thing about the women he dated; he was very good at spotting the red flags. The girl he brought in who yelled at him for walking ahead of her on the exit stairs didn’t last long. And then there was the one who purchased her engagement ring after their fifth date. In hindsight, these red flags weren’t that hard to spot.

Then came the one. This girl had everything going for her, perfect for him, and the one he wanted to marry.

Everything about their relationship, from the outside, looked like his hunt for a wife would soon be over. And within a blink of the eye, he was single again.



Ellen "Jelly" McRae

I’m here to use my wins and losses in #relationships as your cautionary tale | Writes 1LD; Cautionary tale women's fiction |